Saturday, March 05, 2005

Patience is a virtue. I'm not virtuous.

I need to learn to stay away from the computer when I'm depressed. Strange shit comes out when I sit in front of this monitor. Internet journals will do that to you, I suppose.

My girlfriend told me that a friend of hers kissed her yesterday, and that she kissed him back; she didn't know why, she'd said. She told me, crying, on the telephone not to leave her. I explained to her that it would take a lot more than something as trivial as that to make me leave her, as long as she didn't make a habit out of it. Here, read her March fourth entry in her GJ. I'm too lazy to explain it all:

It nearly killed me, but I talked to her about it and made her promise that that shit wasn't going to happen again. If it does, then I'll know. I'll know that I'm not as important to her as she says I am. God knows she's important. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I swear, there's some divine creature out there that is determined to keep me from being in a good mood. When ever I feel particularly happy about something, something cataclysmical happens and upsets the world for me. Or maybe I'm manic-depressive. Yeah, that would explain a lot.



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